Shangri-La Resort, Fiji Wedding Photography | Sarah & Alex

Sarah and I were able to chat back and forth quite a bit through email and facebook leading up to her and Alex’ wedding.  So when the wedding day rolled around I was so excited to finally meet Sarah in real life!

As a destination wedding photographer, it’s rare for me to meet a couple before their wedding.  I got to know Sarah through words on a screen.  I walked into Sarah’s room where she was busy getting ready for the rest of her life.

She was beautiful and just as lively as she was in her emails.  It was great to see her personality I’d gotten to know come through her winning smile!




I love this hand written note from Sarah’s Grandmother that came with the handkerchief






Alex seeing his beautiful bride for the first time as her dad walks her down the steps to the beach ceremony.


Mr. & Mrs.!!!










Sarah & Alex

Congratulations on your marriage!  May it be a long

and happy one full of love and laughter… and spoiling each other!

Best wishes!


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