Royal Davui Elopement | Fiji Wedding Photography by Lia & Stu

Choosing to elope in Fiji is such a romantic idea in itself.  Choosing a Royal Davui Elopement is even better!  Centaine & Danny had booked their Fiji holiday, and then last minute, decided to turn their holiday into a romantic elopement and honeymoon!  We were thrilled to hear from them and honoured that they chose us to be a part of their day!

Centaine was one of the most relaxed brides we have ever come in contact with.  It was a drizzly day but that didn’t bother her one bit!  It was her wedding day and she was marrying her best friend and that is all that mattered.  When we walked into their villa, Danny was relaxing in the lounge and Centaine was  in their ensuite getting her hair & make-up done.  They were enjoying the morning and listening to Justin Timberlake to keep the mood light.

The Ceremony

While we were shooting them getting ready, Kimi from Royal Davui was down at the beach preparing the ceremony site.  He had created a 3 post structure draped with white cloth and dressed up with some local flowers and secured with magimagi (the traditional woven rope made from coconut husk).  It was simple and beautiful, and just what Danny & Centaine wanted.

Royal Davui Elopement Photos


Royal Davui ElopementRoyal Davui Elopement DetailsRoyal Davui Elopement VowsRoyal Davui Elopement Getting ReadyRoyal Davui Elopement Getting Ready DetailsRoyal Davui Elopement Make-UpRoyal Davui Elopement Sneak PeekRoyal Davui Elopement Bride getting ready

Danny & Centaine wanted to have a peaceful moment to say a prayer together before they got married but also wanted to wait until their First Look to see each other. We set them up on either side of the door separating the room from the lounge where they could hold hands and speak to each other while not seeing each other.  It was such a sweet and tender moment between the two!

Royal Davui Elopement Bride & groom private momentRoyal Davui Elopement Tropical Bouquet

They were also all for doing a First Look together just before walking down the aisle to say “I Do”.  It was the perfect way for them to just slow down on such a big day and take each other in without rushing into the ceremony.  They even had little notes they had written to each other that they were able to read together.

We loved seeing and being able to capture Danny’s reaction to seeing his beautiful bride!

Royal Davui Elopement First LookRoyal Davui Elopement Fiji First LookRoyal Davui Elopement Fiji First Look CeremonyRoyal Davui Elopement CeremonyRoyal Davui Elopement Ceremony VowsRoyal Davui Elopement Ceremony Bride & Groom VowsRoyal Davui Elopement Ceremony ring exchange

Centaine’s reaction to their ring exchange is PERFECT!

Royal Davui Elopement Ceremony ring exchange brides reactionRoyal Davui Elopement Ceremony First KissRoyal Davui Elopement Ceremony embraceRoyal Davui Elopement Bride & GroomRoyal Davui Elopement Bride & Groom first danceRoyal Davui Elopement Bride & Groom portraitRomantic Royal Davui Elopement Bride & Groom

Nothing like a good rock skipping contest following the wedding vows 🙂

Romantic Royal Davui Elopement Bride & Groom Funfiji-elopement_0026Romantic Royal Davui Elopement Bride PortraitRomantic Royal Davui Elopement carefree brideRomantic Royal Davui Elopement holding handsFiji Royal Davui Elopement Bride & GroomFiji Royal Davui Elopement Bride & GroomFiji Royal Davui Elopement Bride & Groom Walking




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